Ground Control II javítás
Argon 2004.06.23. 10:53
A tegnapi nap folyamán a Sierra megkezdte a Ground Control II postázást Észak-Amerikában. Egyúttal elkészítették az első javítást, melyet frappánsan "Day One Update"-nek neveztek el. Gondolnánk, hogy csak valami kis bakit javít, de ey nem igaz. Sok-sok utólag felfedezett bugot írt ki, számos új fícsörrel ruházza fel a játékot és még tartogat számunkra érdekességeket. Lista a tovább után angol nyelven.
* Added automatic content (map) download when joining a multiplayer server. * Added Record & Replay of single player and multiplayer games. * Added support for joining games from GameSpy Arcade. * Added new in-game Slim GUI (enabled/disabled in the Visual Options menu). * Added Super Slim GUI (only mouse + shortcuts enabled) by pressing F10 in-game. Press F10 twice to return to normal GUI. * Added "map bookmarks". Press CTRL-F1..F8 to record a map position and press F1..F8 to move camera instantly to the position. * Massgate(TM) player chat list is now sorted in alphabetical order. * Added Massgate(TM) server list filter for Not full/Not empty. * Added scorch marks. * Added shorelines.
* Fixed a firewall problem where a patch file list could not be downloaded which made all menus disappear. * Fixed bug with MP options. You cannot enter negative numbers in Score limit, Time limit, Starting AP and AP Gain any more. * Fixed the progress bar so it can be hidden from script. * Fixed bug: Unable to create a Massgate(TM) account if the font size is minimized. * Added a limit of max 10 number of chat rooms per player. * Changed so the game doesn't close if cd-key authentication fails. Returns to main menu instead. * AI behavior improved. * AI now uses support weapons NSA Radar and Viron Drop pods. * AI now uses NSA Snipers properly. * Fixed bug: Sometimes the Anti Missile System (AMS) did not stop single missiles/grenades. * Fixed bug: View & weapon range circles now follow the terrain. * Several other minor issues.
* GENERAL o Maintenance model changed to reflect new unit maintenance values. o All units now have different maintenance values. o All battlefield units have Presence 1 (i.e. they will count towards no presence rule). Note that Deployable Structures do not count towards presence on the battlefield. o Changed Viron Dropship armor from Exotic to Reinforced. o Changed NSA Dropship armor from Exotic to Reinforced. o Increased AP cost for Dropship weapon upgrades (NSA & VIRON). * NSA o Rocket Vehicle + Decreased Anti Missile System (AMS), Increased weapon range o Heavy Terradyne + Decreased incoming damage multiplier (secondary mode) o Combat Engineers + Decreased healing rate for secondary mode + Decreased healing rate for primary mode o Mobile Artillery + Decreased slot size + Decreased AP Cost o Assault APC + Increased AP Cost, Decreased Health, Decreased auto cloud spawner damage per sec, + Decreased reload time for secondary shooter, Increased rate of fire, Added blast damage o Transport Helidyne + Increased Anti Missile System (AMS) efficiency (secondary mode) + Increased speed in primary mode o Light Helidyne + Reduced view range o Sentry gun + Reduced reload time * VIRON o Fighter Helidyne + Increased dropship occupation + Decreased missile damage o Penetrator + Decreased weapon damage (secondary mode) o Missile Vehicle + Decreased Anti Missile System (AMS) o Great Corruptor + Decreased health + Decreased auto cloud spawner damage per sec o Screamer Helidyne + Changed damage type (primary) + Increased weapon damage (primary)